Words, cut like a sword
Have you ever wondered how words can cause panic and fear in most people? If you think about it long enough, you come to realize just how retarded our society has become. We fear words because of their meanings; who makes up the meanings? I happen to love words, regardless of their meanings. Take the word Pagan. It's fun to say, it brings vividly bright, happy images to mind, yet people act as if the word, in itself, is evil. There is another good word, "Evil". Backwards it is live, anagrammed it is vile, or levi, or veil. Words are plain fun! Back to the funness, (which isn't a word, but I don't give a crap) of the word Pagan. I didn't really notice the word years ago when I first saw the movie "Dragnet", starring Tom Hanks and Dan Ackroyd, but I noticed it when I watched the movie after all these years. There was a group of people worshipping whatever, dressed in goat leggings and passing pills around and performing ridiculous dances; and, making fun of everyone who fears Pagans. What I loved most was what they had Pagan standing for: People Against Goodness And Normalcy, I need to buy this movie and add it to my extensive collection. Why does our society feel the need to fear, ridicule, judge, exert power over others? Why can't we learn to live, nurture, learn, love, accept. I didn't pay much attention to the news, but some guy was getting attention because he theorized what would happen to Earth if there was no-one here. Who cares? He could be right or wrong, but what does it matter? There would be no one here to confirm his thoughts, or speculation. I think we all should start simply theorizing about everything, make the media be fair, if they are going to listen to one nut, they should have to listen to all the other nuts on the trees. I demand my air time to make all my speculations about everything from a blade of grass to the endless sky. People fear the word, or meaning of, death; anagrammed, hated. Why? It is something each and everyone of us will have to go through. Death can't be cheated, stopped or avoided; it's inevitable that we will all die, we all owe a death for living. So why is it feared? Is it because we don't know what will happen? If you think about it, nobody knows what is going to happen from one second to the next, so why don't we fear every moment? The society we live in is one of the cruelest in history. We love to ridicule, make fun of, and dominate whoever we can and call it living. Take Miss Teen South Carolina, here is a teenager being made fun of because she made a remark that made absoluely no sense whatsoever. I listened to all five questions, and she had the hardest one to answer. The teenager that won had to choose between three losers who use people to make themselves feel better and she answered with a smile on her face. The correct response for her should have been, "Since those are the only three choices, I would have to choose none of them because they are all bad role models for the young and, I wouldn't endorse their lifestyles." But, like our society, those girls are being trained to appease others by anwering questions based on what others want to hear. I would like to see teenagers with their own thoughts and opinions; actually I would like to see everyone able to make up their own minds and have more original thoughts and not care about who they offend with them. Honesty is a value and virtue that has lost all meaning in our society. There is a word to fear: Honesty, it hurts, makes people cry, and tears open healed wounds. When are we, as a society, going to start thinking for ourselves? When are we going to stop trying to make others happy, and make ourselves happy instead? When are we going to grow up mentally and stop letting "Words" run our life and affect us?
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