Complicated in a Simple Manner

This is a blog about me and my complicated, simple life. I am an easy person because I have no preferences, and I'll always try anything once. But, I'm also difficult because I'm so easy. Confused yet? Read and enjoy the ups and downs of my everyday life.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

My Own Review

My husband and I was going to wait until Sunday to see the DaVinci Code movie, but decided instead to attend it's grand opening showing. There were a few protestors outside the theater, but since it was raining, they were huddled together on the opposite side of the street under an alcove. I am almost always in the mood for a movie, but rarely go to the theaters, that would mainly be because it costs $13 to get in and about the same for popcorn and drinks and candy and with that money I could have just waited and bought the movie and enjoyed it in the comfort of my own home. Theater seats are never comfortable and someone always laughs too loud or you have an annoying head in your view. But because of all the hoopla over this movie and the protestors we overcame all these obstacles to see the movie critics are downing. I never listen to a critic about the movies I watch, they tend to overanalyze the crap out of a movie and never take it at face value. It's a movie!!! Made to entertain you. The movie starred Tom Hanks and was directed by Opie, both talents have been entertaining people for years and in my opinion they continue to do so in DaVinci Code. There was nothing shocking in the movie, nothing I hadn't already discovered for myself. There was humor, facts, twists, it entertained, exactly what a movie is supposed to do. It kinda reminded me of National Treasure, people on a quest to seek the truth. I still cannot understand why it is such a threat to think that Jesus could have been married. Moses, Abraham, Joseph all the men in the Bible were married. The protestors believe it is heretical to even think about Jesus taking a wife. Nobody will ever know for a fact if that is true or not, none of us were there. People have contemplated, discussed, argued over the facts of history for years and by human nature it will be on-going for many years to come. People have their own opinions for so many different subjects, but it seems when it comes to religion you can see week after week people attending church and never having their own thoughts. If this movie gets just one person to search out the facts for themselves and come up with their own conclusions it has hit it's mark. I already intend to buy the movie when it comes out on DVD. Then I can lounge at home in my own comfort instead of having my tailbone aching in them uncomfortable chairs at the theater. Getting a little off subject now, why hasn't anyone, anywhere constructed a movie theater for the public to enjoy??? We have so many products to make life easier, you can buy shredded cheese, instead of taking a few minutes and shredding it yourself, we have instant potatoes and rice and microwavable food, all intended to make life easier( I call it making the public more lazy). Yet nobody has a theater with recliners to sit in or couchs to laze on. You are stuffed into a room with little chairs with no leg room, people tend to frown when you put your feet on the chair in front of you to get comfortable. A movie theater built for comfort rather then for attendance would be packed everyday.
My recommendation for DaVinci Code: I liked it, the acting was good, it did exactly what a movie is supposed to do, entertain you. To all you protestors, protest something worthwhile, like uncomfortable seats in a theater. This movie will not change the course of history or religion. A big thank you should be given to the Vatican for all the free publicity, without them, the movie would not have attracted many people. By nature people love to rebel, when told not to do something, we do the opposite. Maybe it's time to use something God gave each one of us: Our own minds, make up your own mind people, stop listening to others, stop going with the flow, you have your opinion on so many things, take it one step further, make up your own mind about your sprituality.
There was a preview for a remake of an old movie before the DaVinci Code, The Omen. A movie about the Devil to be released 6-6-06,good date. I expect the Vatican to draw as much attention to this movie since it attacks the Catholic church by having priests deliver the young devil spawn into the world. To do nothing about this movie would be hypocritical, but then we all know the church is not hypocritical, don't we?


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