Life Is Like A Box of Chocolates
It's been a while since I have posted anything, and don't get me wrong, I always have plenty to say, just nothing nobody wants to hear. I have been writing in my personal journal lately. But this morning I felt inspired to write about a phrase that has been running around in my head. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get", these famous words uttered by Tom Hanks as he played the loveable Forrest Gump. Although the phrase is repeated by many people today, it's not quite a true statement. Life is only like a box of chocolates if you get the cheap, yucky chocolate. You know, the box that has chocolates in it with little bites out of each of them, because you really didn't know what you was getting. But, if you buy the little more expensive chocolates, you know exactly what you are getting because they print on the lid exactly which chocolate is which. That takes all the fun out of a box of chocolates. But it also serves the purpose of not picking the chocolate with the caramel inside, the one that sticks to your teeth and is hard to chew and stays with you for hours. Life to me should be a different adventure everyday, not knowing what you are going to get. So life should be cheap. Those who spend the extra money to know exactly what they are getting, would have to be the most boring people to be around. They would know exactly what they want and have goals to get it. Having goals is good, everyone should have goals. But the unattainable ones are the most fun. Society today basically has a strict structure. People need material objects, and money is needed for these, in order to get money you need to work, and work can be a boring place for most people. The only time it isn't boring is when you are doing something that really makes you happy. I work, although sometimes it's just not what I want to be doing. My job isn't really that bad, I can complain and gripe and make jokes at work, and since this is a small town, we have a good time and everyone knows each other. But in my line of work, I couldn't do this at a bigger office. Now would probably be a good time to say that I work in a post office. I think daily about "going postal", because the mail never stops. You get all of the days mail into your trays, show up the next day and you have that much mail or more sometimes sitting there waiting for you. Have people not heard of email?? It takes no stamps and the person can get the letter in a matter of minutes, not days. My life isn't an expensive box of chocolates, because if it was I wouldn't have chosen a rural carrier as a career. I reached into the box of life and just managed to pick this job. My heart has always wanted to be a lawyer. I could argue that the sky is not blue, and with my dimples and charm could sway 6 out of 12 people. I know I always heard growing up, you can be anything you want, or from my dad, "Make sure you marry rich, that way you won't have to work." But I never met anyone named Rich who impressed me much, so I will just have to settle marrying for love. So people, when you go out this valentines day and buy that chocolate for your loved one, are you going to go cheap or expensive? It would depend on what you want to see laying around, a box of chocolates that get savored, or the one sitting around with little bites out of each of them.
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